Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Profound Apologies

I'm sorry, but I just couldn't get myself to really post a new one.

Not that anyone's really waiting for my verses, but I do try to maintain that illusion.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Lest We Forget

Sunday, in my books, is usually blogday, where I actually have a look at the blog and post something onto it.

Today, I have decided that I'm going to post the post I should've posted today tomorrow, so you will be treated to two posts this week, today's post about tomorrow's-blog-that-had-to-come-out-today and tomorrow's-blog-that-had-to-come-out-today-which-I-just-told-you-about.

Fair enough,no?

Stop complaining, will you?

Auto Discipline™ (Patent Applied For)

Auto-Discipline™, in it's various incarnations, could seem one of the most perverse, monstrous habits one could ever dream of taking up; going against what one knows one is feeling and what one knows one wants at the present instant and knowing there's the Simpsons at 2 on ItaliaUno, and chucking all that out of the proverbial window.
It will then proceed to guide the perpetrator of this gruesome act (self discipline, if you weren't following) onto a drab, bleak path which the subject had decided upon in a rare moment of enlightenment, where study and skill actually seemed a viable proposition.

The victim cum perpetrator, provided they are provided with enough talent, will then proceed to become a master at their art, profession, whatever, while the easy-going, laid back "artists" criticize the poor sod for being too perfect, too graceful etc.

Granted, they do see the bigger picture, but instead of trying to paint it, or at least trying to attempt a charcoal sketch, they keep taking notes, writing blogs, running a felt tip marker round the border until their arms are numb with pain, and they'll want to rest, and stay there.

Should the lack of Auto-Discipline™ be tormenting your poor brain, fear not, Auto-Discipline™ is not always necessary, and you will be spared the cost. In fact, many successful people have gone far without it, one cannot fail but mention developers, some periti, politicians, staff at the UOM, refuse collectors, "musicians", ""artists"" and a whole lot of other people who contribute to a place that is slowly becoming more like a disjointed collage of different opinions, tastes and moods, rather than a masterpiece, the fruit of a slow labour of love.

I shouldn't have written this sentence, as it is perfectly redundant, useless and goes against every principle that Auto-Discipline™ dictates, however, it's my blog, and I won't have some stupid plug-in dictate what I should put in it. And I do know that basic typography would suggest I write in a colour that is different to the background, but you wouldn't be chuckling quietly to yourself had it been otherwise, wise ass.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


...who has to be saying sorry?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Thank God It's (still) Sunday

Anyone familiar with current affairs will have noticed that recently the Pope has been asked to apologise in person to the whole Islamic religion for a statement pronounced in an address/lecture at the Regensburg University, a request to which he obliged.

Now the question is- is Josef Ratzinger, a doctor of Theology, dumb enough to be saying that Islam is an evil religion explicitly?

The answer, thankfully to everyone, is no.

What Pope Ratzinger did was quote an episode and an argument, and continued his informed, intellectual speech based upon the argument; it wasn't Catholics vs Islam, rather it was the context of rationality in theology. It wasn't a mass rally with placards saying that Islam is evil, it was an address at a distinguished German university, which would be a setting cold enough to store ice cream in.

What is worrying however, is that these Islamic leaders did not bother to take the quote into context, while the rest of the world is forced to see all the unusual traits in Islam in context, starting with the veiled women on to the Jihad.

In Saudi Arabia, crosses aren't allowed. In Malta, we even have a Mosque. If someone didn't allow the erection of a church in SA, it would be a normal procedure; if someone in Malta criticizes, or, of all things, cartoonises, Islam he is labelled an infidel, politically incorrect etc.

I am not against Islam, although I must say it's not really my cup of tea.

What I am against, however, is misinterpretation, and a paranoia that the world is against you.

Unless one is against the world, he should not think that vice versa is true.


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Bull™ or Science?

Ever thought of a person and they phone? Or txt?

It has happened more than a couple of times, so much so that I actually thought about it.

Yes, it is A Big Deal. Or not.

My (underinformed) intellectual wanderings revolve around the thesis that the fields generated by communication devices, such as mobiles, could in some way affect or prepare the brain. What always puzzled me, however, was that I always thought of the person or the situation; but do microwaves carry that kind of information?

Anway, this note is because apparently now a scientist has taken this to the test, details of which can be found here.

Now I know some of you think this is pure bull™, but if you haven't seen the bull defecating, you can't say it is so. (Actually you can, and you can be right, but it's still one hell of a statement.)

Not this time anyway, sometimes the smell is too bad not to call bull™ by its name.

Horses' stinks as well though.

I know I'll be having an important call from my crush in ten minutes, so I'd better go rehearse.

Back with a ... Blog

Dear Reader,

You may not know this, but when I started this blog, it wasn't meant to be a vomitorium for my raging anger towards society. Rather, it was meant to provide a glimpse of a better world and society, where consequently people do their job well and occasionally use their brains.

Which wasn't the case at my last examination. During my Pure Maths exams, usually I am always provided with:

An index number on my table;
An exam booklet with some graph paper and lined paper,
A booklet of formulae.

So I turn up at 8:45, and surprise surprise...

She's still placing the index numbers on the desks (stenna ftit ħi)
Exam booklet still needs to grow its graphs
No booklet of formulae.

You'd expect that these people, employed with our applications' money, would not have any idea of pure Mathematics.

I mean, neither do we.

But one at least would expect that these people could at least know these three basic steps, so simple that even a well-behaved 6-year old could've done it.

Not to mention the bus driver taking me home on the same fateful morning. This guy didn't even know where to go.

The customer is always right; only this time the service provider didn't have an argument...
