Monday, January 15, 2007

Dear Claudia,

For the benefit of my readers who are not currently enrolled at the UOM, next week is exam week.

And I, like the diligent philosophy student I am, am busy updating my pseudoblog instead of attending to matters pertaining accidents, ontological statements, forms and illumination, bathroom fittings and kitchen appliances.

(Yes, my friends, everything under the Sun (and including the latter) can prove to be the subject of your next philosophical discussion.

It was fair enough discussing the Metaphysics in Ancient Greece, but I scarcely can see the point of that since the widespread availability of the Bible, which clearly states that the world was created in seven days flat, period.

There's also no point in discussing the existence of God; otherwise, how could many people think they are someone who does not exist?

So all the discussion on God et al. being shifted to the realm of Theology, this leaves Philosophy with several lovely topics, such as what do actions consist of, what do we actually see, do we think independently or are we programmed in some obsolete form of Java? The list goes on, until every subject on earth has its own particular philosophy; we have a philosophy of science, a philosophy of religion, a philosophy of faith (look, an oxymoron!, squealed the atheist), a philosophy of rhetoric, a political philosophy, and finally, a philosophy of dishwashers.

I am not yet aware of any institutions offering the course, but I think it would prove to be an interesting enough topic for postgraduate research.

But I digress.

This post was meant to be a treatise of the way in which study is so difficult. According to Myers and Myers, in a book which I have to consult for an extremely welcome paper I have to hand in (in APA format, please), the human mind can process over 800 words a minute, while the average speaking rate for an American is, according to my fallible memory (being called into duty by my chronic laziness), around 30 wpm.

That, my friends, is why listening effectively is so difficult.

Your brain has to cope with so much more, so please keep it in mind, perhaps it will occupy that part of your brain which is not listening, and thus providing the speaker facing you with fertile ground where to plant their word.

This statistic, coupled with various phoenomena which have plagued my life of recent (and which I shan't be publishing via this online pseudo-diary, thank you very much) is the reason why studying, as my comrade Jake Mamo would have it, is so excruciatingly difficult.

At First, I start reading. And Reading. Then I start sc_n_ing. Then i
(oops!) skip


and continue reading, up until the point where my mind keeps seeing words,
smiles at them and dismisses them unceremoniously and keeps seeing words keeps seeing words keeps seeing words keeps seeing words keeps seeing words keeps seeing words
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing text
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing text
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing text
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing text
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing text
keeps seeing words
keeps seeing words , seeing words, seeing words (!), seeing seeing words words wordswords words words Apple took out the computer now, are they gonna start selling fruit? words words words wordswordswords O love!
words words words words To attain any assured knowledge about the soul is one of the To attain any assured knowledge about the soul is one of the most difficult things in the world. most difficult things in the world. st difficult things in the world.
insert random text here <> wordskeeps seeingtextkeeps seeingkeeps seeingkeeps seeingnothing?
sibling(X,Y) :- parent(Z,X), parent(Z,Y).
parent(X,Y) :- father(X,Y).
parent(X,Y) :- mother(X,Y).

nd dismisses them unceremoniously and keeps seeing words keeps seeing
words keeps seeing words keeps seeing words keeps seeing words keeps
keeps seeing words keeps seeing
words keeps seeing words keeps seeing words keeps seeing words keeps
keeps seeing words keeps seeing
mother(trude, sally).
father(tom, sally).
father(tom, erica).
father(mike, tom).
words keeps seeing words keeps seeing words keeps seeing words keeps
keeps seeing words keeps seeing
words keeps seeing words keeps seeing words keeps seeing words keeps
seeing words...

...until the exercise we refer to as reading is nothing but an organic, intramental, pathetic excuse for a screensaver.

And that, dear readers, for a student, spells out one, meaningful word.



Blogger Unknown said...

Dear dejvid...WeRRIctni!!

12:42 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha nailed it =)

12:50 am  
Blogger L-Imhawwda said...

Omg! logic!! xD


yeah, I'm gone~

8:32 pm  

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